
We hold a weekly study circle which takes place every Saturday. It has now been running for over 15 years and we have around 50 sisters attending every week. It is a space for Muslim women to come together to refuel both spiritually and mentally for the week ahead.

Sisters are encouraged to mingle and get to know one another during the ever-popular tea break as this gives the perfect opportunity to develop a support network between the sisters. It is when we all get to know one another and become a part of the Marital Arts family.

Our Upcoming Classes:

What attendees are saying

“I need weekly halaqah to keep me revived! Every week I leave MA Circle feeling as though Umm Talha has spoken to me directly – the topics are always so on point and relatable. Every week I take something back which I can physically or spirtually change in my life to make things better. Alhamdulillah Marital Arts has changed my way of living and thinking as a mother, a wife, a daughter and as an individual!”

— Sister A

“Alhamdulillah blessed to be attending Marital Arts circle for many years now.  The place to be on a Saturday morning! Gaining knowledge with sisters who are on the journey to Allah.”

— Sister K

“It is my time! My time to connect to Allah. Bonus – having a sisterhood!”

— Sister C